Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Poem (Dylan)

New poem here - one of the several I've put together since School got out that are not really possible to post to my preferred spot of Facebook. (So begins the first step in my effort to transfer all of my writing to someplace with some sort of credibility).


Burning down coffin nails in

The shining two AM Charleston night,

She says she’s through

Falling in love with men with latino accents –

Finished with tongues oozing romance and mystery

While they slide over her teeth

Her eyes blaze out at me from the

Grey smoke entwining with her hair,

Glowing brown,

Dark with practice and never hidden out of habit

She breathes

A mantra that reaches for a connection,

Preaching understanding for everyone she can find.

I tell her we’re all spinning our

Own paths and so conflict is inherent

She grins her way through a grimace,

Telling me that’s what should be solved.

Two months later, in the thick

Caffeine air of some coffee shop,

She’s feeling back to the familiar,

Laying a gentle paw on the hand of

Another mexican boy,

Smile draped languidly over her face,

Turning him and me to her

As she walks out into the neon and salt moonlight –

It’s the last I see of her.